
Three scientists won the Nobel Prize in Physics

News Asia24 Desk: Three scientists won the Nobel Prize in Physics this year.

Today, Tuesday (October 3) around 4:15 pm Bangladesh time, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sweden has announced the names of three scientists as Nobel laureates in physics.

They are Pia Agostini, Ferenc Krusz and Anne L’Wheeler.

The Swedish Academy said the award was given in recognition of special contributions to the study of electron dynamics.

Their study demonstrated the generation of attosecond pulses of light using experimental methods in electron dynamics.

Three Nobel-winning physicists have developed flashes of light that can take snapshots of ‘fast-moving’ electrons.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Science in the capital Stockholm awards this prize to the best physicists or scientists among the world’s famous scientists.

The Nobel laureates in chemistry will be announced tomorrow, Wednesday (October 4).

The names of the Nobel laureates will be announced on Thursday (October 5) in literature and on Friday (October 6) in peace.

The name of the Nobel laureate in economics will be announced on October 9 after a two-day break.

Basically the names of the Nobel laureates are announced over six days in six categories.

The Nobel Peace Prize was announced from Norway. Other awards such as literature and economics are announced from Sweden.

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