News Asia24 Desk: Today Monday (October 16) is World Food Day. The day will also be celebrated in the country under the initiative of the Bangladesh Ministry of Agriculture and the United Nations.
This year’s theme is “Water is life, water is food.” No one will be left behind.”
Like all over the world, the day will be celebrated in various programs in Bangladesh. Ministry of Agriculture and United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization have taken initiative in this.
Water is life, water is food. No one will be left behind. Various programs have been organized keeping this motto in front.
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A discussion meeting has been organized on this day at 10 am tomorrow. The meeting will be held at the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council Auditorium at Farmgate in the capital.
Food Minister Sadhan Chandra Majumdar will be present as the chief guest and Fisheries and Livestock Minister Sham Rezaul Karim will be present as a special guest.
After the discussion, a technical session on flood and water management will be held in the afternoon.